A Collaborative Planning Team (CPT) is a working group of (at least 3) La Colectiva de Delaware (LCD) Network partners (leaders representing different community nonprofit, for-profit, funding and governmental organizations) focused on developing needed approaches (programs and services) with collective social impact. A commitment to work together in developing and implementing approaches to address important issues, needs and opportunities is essential. Trust, communication and collaboration in the design and pilot processes form the foundation for sustainable and impactful programs.

Shared Contributions

Each CPT partner brings a variety of experiences, assets and resources acquired in working to achieve their similar or related organizational goals.  Partners may share similar experiences (1) in working with a particular segment of Latino community (young immigrant families, school-aged youth, college-going young adults, adults learning English, etc.) and/or (2) in providing needed services (counseling, coaching, navigation, health care, etc.) and educational programs (cradle to career) to Sussex County’s Latinos.  In addition to their expertise, partners are asked to share additional assets (such as meeting space, Latino – bilingual staff or volunteers, and/or program resources – including funding), as able and planned. A commitment to participation in planning meetings and pilot involvement is critical to achieving collective impact. La Colectiva is here to guide and support you as determined.

Areas of Focus

Issues, needs and opportunities have been identified in several areas including:

A – Supporting individuals and families in various family life stages – from single to families with first children in early childhood, during middle school age, and through planning (and launching children) for careers and college. Support for “first-time” experiences for families expecting their first child or having their first child start kindergarten or preparing for college entrance have been identified.

B – Language and Literacy for Spanish-speaking adults and children

C – Teaching, coaching and navigating to access resources – related to basic needs, securing stability (financial; credit and saving; ownership of a car, home, etc.)

With eligibility for many services related to immigration/citizenship status, almost every CPT needs to consider its implications.

A “Typical” Year” of Development

  • CPT partners meet to discuss their idea and together complete the “Collaborative Planning Team (CPT) Idea Proposal” which is emailed to La Colectiva (info@lacolectivadelaware.org).
  • Typically, after the CPT receives approval of their idea from the LCD Steering Committee, the CPT will meet every 1-2 weeks to develop their plan (over 2-3 months). The Director of Community Partnerships should be invited to these planning meetings.
  • When ready, partnering organizations will participate in a 6-month pilot (with reviews and revisions as needed).
  • At the end of the pilot, a funding proposal will be drafted with review and feedback from the LCD Steering Committee. The funding proposal will be submitted to funding partners with interests in the program area.
  • Once developed, piloted and ready for full implementation, it will be known as “A La Colectiva-inspired” program, and it will be owned by, and responsibility of, the organizations involved in planning it.

La Colectiva’s Support

The Director of Community Partnerships will facilitate the work of the CPT by:

  1. Guiding the CPT in moving through the key steps of idea submission, helping to gather relevant literature/information to be reviewed by the CPT and designating the CPT leader and partner roles and responsibilities (MOU).
  2. Supporting the design and pilot development process by helping to facilitate the planning process in CPT meetings.
  3. Providing support of the pilot, as needed – insuring approach is implemented and evaluated, as planned.
  4. Reporting progress to Steering Committee and engaging Steering Committee members with related expertise in the work of the CPT.
  5. Recommending honoraria for CPT Leader and planning grant funding to support pilot expenses (beyond contributions of partner organizations).
  6. Sharing funding proposal with Steering Committee for recommendations.